          "Gong.Tin.鬥爭"? 是非成敗轉頭空_宋楚瑜的政治路_2/5 (AT 02:22) You sucking "Lee.Done.Wheel" dare seat in the highest President Chair to think any "鬥爭", you must more deserve to be killed immediately. You sucking 房地產media suspected or known that your sucking President commit that 鬥爭 crime, you dare allow him to get away out of that heavy worse than hell crime, you must deserve to be killed along with your 酒肉朋友sucking President. Not mention "Lee.Done.Wheel" got his sucking degree from Democratic USA place.Kiss you ass not your friend worse than your enemy, it apply to your sucking President "Lee.Done.Wheel" (You are the 酒店工作 President, every member inside your government must be under your watch, every civilian's life must under your guard, you dare see personal loyalty to committed gangsters crime, you must be killed immediately. You sucking Taiwane 系統傢俱se who knows what democratic means must know how to read and write, they cannot do like I am doing to write to your law makers to show their suck, they must have no right to step on public site, not mention to occupy public street committed "Fun.High.Jaw 西裝.Tong" crimes. That how anyone who not ever educated in Taiwan like those so called "Loud.Bean" may have right to show up on public place to yell, anyone who born in Taiwan educated in public school or too rich to fit public school, must not be allowed to yell on the public pla 酒店經紀ce to follow western white trash low lower lowest.), it apply to your late President "John.Jean.Gwall". That kiss "Mean.Nun.What" ass, can only draw more liars evil doers fake man fake woman to kill all your real Taiwanese to take over your ID to suck. That how you must do all you can to speak perf 開幕活動ect Mandarin (Be Aware that "Bay.Jean.What" is not Mandarin, "Bay.Jean.What" committed "What.Sir.Ten.Drew" crime of lie, worse than any Chinese dialects narrow mind.) so that you don't risk yourself to die worthless worse than shit. Why you speak perfect Mandarin can make sure you don't die worthless 長灘島worse than shit? Because in order to speak perfect Mandarin, you have to have the best will and best strength to pronounce "字正腔圓", during this process, you progress your invisible power of honesty that Chinese called "正心誠意" that can lead you have the best will to get "心誠則靈". Woman who can speak only perfect Mandarin can have the f 結婚西裝ree mind like White liberal, but not to fall into their white trash suck, because that "字正腔圓" discipline, "正心誠意" "心誠則靈" light can lead you to see the freedom must limit on the rail like Sun like Moon like Earth runs.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 591  .

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