          Sept.30,2006 Yesterday was Saturday, Sept. 30, 2006 I ate the last piece of Pizza we ordered Friday night and drank at least one cup of hot chocolate, that all food I had taken yesterday. On the early G2000morning today Oct.1,2006 before 3:30am I remember the milk that we stored in refrigerator expire date was Sept.30, 2 裝潢006, therefore, I went to down stair drank the remaining milk before it expired too much. Now is 15:40 Texas time, I have eaten a ric 租辦公室e bowl size chicken + egg+ vegetables fried rice and unknown number pieces of shrimps, some fried vegetable and a bowl of lettuce salad, I feel my stomach full. 燒烤 Now is 19:30 Texas time, before 18:30 I ate one small piece of ice cream, then could not resist to eat one more cup size of ice cream, then it was dinner time, I ate one small order 房地產 of Vietnam noodle soup, I guess I was over eating today. Now is 21:17 Texas time, around 20:41 I had a hot chocolate, then I ate another piece of ice cream bar, I wonder I may get sicker and trying to use 室內裝潢 food to yield lovesickness, I rather lovesick than eating like unthinkable animals. How can I back to lovesick to over come eating disorder? I went to grocery bought some fruits, drinks, chipps, milk, a box of ice cream, Bounc 辦公室出租e dryer sheets. I guess my life is boring, I must be more boring than my life, therefore I am not bothered by the boring life. No wonder no other customers had the stomach to share the big table with us in HB restaurant today. I guess this 房屋二胎 may explain how come I like to use my brain cell so much so that I won't become worse than animals who at least wondering around vividly not like me sit or sleep or standing still like doing nothing's lifeless figure. I hope the level of my boring to the degree enou 酒店兼職gh to qualify me back to heavenly home so that I don't need to come to this world again.  Because I am a woman, if come again must be  out of human being form. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 室內裝潢  .

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